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Curriculum Intent


Every pupil at Kingsland School has access to a curriculum that bridges to continued education; whether that be being reintegrated back into a mainstream setting, attending a specialist provision, or leaving Kingsland School with qualifications, preparing them for the next step in their lives. We pride ourselves on being a stabilising, holistic and positive setting, providing opportunities for all.


Our curriculum at Broadbent Road looks to emulate that of a mainstream school, designed to re-engage learners and allow them to flourish when reintegrated back into a mainstream provision. Our holistic approach is imperative for each pupil to develop academically, physically, emotionally and socially.


The curriculum is designed to:


  • Re-engage every learner

  • Have a strong curriculum emphasis on English and Mathematics

  • Allow pupils to have the opportunity to explore subjects beyond the core curriculum

  • Support pupils to be successful with reintegration's or within the next phase of their education

  • Improve behaviour, attitudes and academic progress, taking into account each individual’s starting points

  • Develop professional relationships between staff and pupils to instil respect and resilience


Laurel Bank


The curriculum at Laurel Bank is designed to not only enhance pupils’ learning across all core subject areas, but there is a huge emphasis on providing a therapeutic, nurturing approach. The curriculum looks at engaging, stabilising and supporting pupils through a therapeutic programme with a focus on life skills alongside English, Mathematics and Science.


This curriculum is designed to:


Offer a supportive, therapeutic approach to instil independence and skills to be successful beyond school

Create a nurturing environment whereby pupils feel safe and are willing to learn

Create the greatest possible outcomes for all learners, both academically and personally




All pupils at Broadbent Road have been admitted to Kingsland School from state-maintained schools and academies, who have had difficulties within their setting. Pupils are assigned a caseload tutor, along with a teaching assistant and are a professional contact on a weekly basis. Tutors are required to make phone calls, arrange person-centred review (PCR) meetings, create pupil support plans, provide positive handling plans and complete attendance visits to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.


Each pupil who is admitted to Kingsland School completes assessments prior to entry. This gives us an indication of any potential gaps they have in prior learning, and we can implement a strategic plan to ensure we bridge these gaps. Pupils who are admitted to Kingsland School complete a GL Exact exam (literacy), dyscalculia exam (numeracy) and a PASS questionnaire (attitudes towards school) so that we can ascertain and implement strategic targets and outcomes for all.


Broadbent Road Curriculum Offer


  • Entry Level Mathematics

  • Functional Skills Mathematics

  • GCSE Mathematics

  • Functional Skills English

  • GCSE English (Language and Literature)

  • Entry Level Science

  • NCFE Health and Social Care

  • NCFE Art

  • Employability

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

  • Physical Education

  • Food Technology

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education

  • Interventions (English and Mathematics)


Laurel Bank Curriculum Offer


  • Entry Level Mathematics

  • Functional Skills Mathematics

  • GCSE Mathematics

  • Functional Skills English

  • GCSE English (Language and Literature)

  • GCSE Science

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education

  • NCFE Art

  • AQA Unit Awards in Life Skills




Pupils at Kingsland School will be monitored through their attendance, punctuality, behaviour, academic progress and their social and emotional skills. Each lesson, pupils are awarded BASE Points (behaviour, academia, social and emotional) by the class teacher. These points are then used to provide evidence for those pupils who we deem can be successfully reintegrated back into a mainstream provision.


© Copyright 2019 by Kingsland School. 

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